Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dear mom and dad,

You both decided to go to The Boulders for a whole week and leave me behind. I am missing you. Here is what we could have done if you would have stayed with me.
1. we could have gone to opening night of the orem owlz.
2. we could have watched the eagles live in the motor home.
3. you could have hooked up my direct tv for me.
1. we could have spent time with target, gap, borders and possibly ikea.
2. we could have debated on what colors to paint my walls.
3. we could have watched ps i love you like we've talked about for months now.

come home soon.



Shanshine said...

I love this post. I love that we blog. And I LOVE that I am the only one on the friends list without an "and" I'll work on that.

Thanks for playing with me tonight.