Monday, September 22, 2008

clothes, clothes, and more clothes

so i am laying in my bed patiently waiting for the washer to finish doing its thing. i still have to put my whites in and make sure they get to the dryer all before i go to bed. i have been so extremely busy lately with work, decorating my house (seriously) and catching up from last weeks babysitting adventures that I have completely abandoned my laundry and my home life. because i have procrastinated all this, i get to stay up tonight and finish it all. i still need to pack for the exciting trip to texas and i really need to finish it tonight because i know i just won't have time tomorrow.

I really don't know why i am going to show you these pictures of my awful messes but i'm hoping the embarrassment is enough motivation for me to actually do something about the piles (yes, pileS) of clothes.

these are all my clean clothes that I need to sort through and put away or get rid of...

this is a pile of dirty clothes that didn't fit in the washer for round 1...

this is my pile of whites that is on deck for the washer...

and this pile just came out of the dryer (ok i lied, it came out two weeks ago) and it needs to be put away.

pathetic and sad life i live, yes i know.